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Aug 19, 2009


Posted by Foxy

Welcome all of you to this Expo.

First off let me say this. I know there has been some drama revolving around the whole Expo in regards to the Vanity Inc. Fair also. While we did court the idea of working with Vanity, we wanted to be our own entity that could run an expo for shapes as well as skins. As a shape maker I will be the first to say that shapes give the life to a skin and the skin is what gives the wow factor to a shape. While it was not how I wanted to do this, I will say I'm sorry to Nadja Baxter for any mix up or confusion.

Next I would like to thank the vendors that have already signed up for this expo. Without you all we would not be able to come together, collaborate and put this show on the road so to speak. You are the breath of life for this event. I can do all the planning in the world and I am glad you took a chance on me and my fellow committee members.

While this expo hasn't started yet, it has a strong planning stage. This wouldn't be done without the help of Sasy Scarborough, Maddox Dupont, Tuli Asturias, Zoe Demar and Averie Larnia. You guys were what got me started doing this and have helped me execute it

So with out further adieu,
Thank you! Lets get this train a movin'!

Foxy Innis


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